Vans Rebel Jam

Like the Vans Showdown, the Vans Rebel Jam was a newly-revived contest that was re-debuted at the 2019 Vans US Open of Surfing and it was all about having fun. In additon to the event branding I created an invite video personalized for each participant to the contest.

I used my lineage in the sport to inspire the moves I made, digging deep into the vast (and tasty) graphic design soup that existed within the pages of BMX Plus and Ride BMX.

I was asked to design the trophies for the winners of this event, as well. I took it wayyyyy back to '96 when I used to race BMX. I used to scratch and claw my way to the podium every weekend just to win a ridiculously tall and gaudy trophy that was often taller than me. It was so funny to see these monstrosities come to life—complete with a holographic RJ pattern.

Creative Directors:

Chase Nann, Erwin Federizo

© 2023 – Studio of Ben Clark